The European Commission published its Communication “A Decent Life for All: Ending poverty and giving the world a sustainable future”: Commissioners’ meeting highlights

The EU will need a common approach for its engagement in forthcoming international processes on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and on post Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
This Communication represents a first step towards such a common approach, as Council Conclusions are subsequently expected to be adopted in May 2013.

On the very day of publication, the two key EU Commissioners Piebalgs and Potocnik, on development and environment respectively, organised a discussion meeting with the main Brussels based Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), presenting the core features of the Communication.
Ensuring minimum living standards for all (unfinished business with MDGs), supporting ‘drivers’ for inclusive growth (including sustainable use of natural resources), a human rights based approach to development, as well as, peace and security (reference to fragile states) constitute the priority elements for the future overarching framework on post 2015.
Although the document is still very general when it comes to goals and indicators, both Commissioners insisted on the fundamental importance of accountability systems within the new framework, based on universally agreed human rights standards. Therefore, universality seems to be the key value, bringing about a ‘single track’ approach to the two current processes, MDGs and SDGs. In this respect, it was also underlined the need for the EU not to be too prescriptive in this early stage in order to secure inclusiveness of the process.
The Communication presents also positive points for trade unions, highlighting decent work and social protection among the priority elements of the framework, as well as, directly mentioning social partners’ involvement concerning country ownership and accountability. Moreover, Commissioner Piebalgs showed openness to further inputs and integration in this respect.
Trade unions will draft a statement providing first evaluation elements on the Communication, as well as, preliminary recommendations in the view of the next institutional debate at EU level.

Article by Paola Simonetti, TUDCN.

Read the EC Communication