ITUC: HIV/AIDS Must Not Drop Off the Global Agenda

As the world is still confronted with one of the biggest crisis ever, the ITUC urges governments to keep the fight against HIV/AIDS high on their agenda and the global community to take actions to accelerate the eradication of the pandemic. Although significant progress was made over the last years, in 2011 there were still 2.5 million newly infected people.

The unprecedented level of inequalities among and within countries has a direct impact on the pandemic: Sub-Saharan Africa, with 23.5 million infected, remains the continent most affected, and the number of AIDS-related deaths is rising in regions such as Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.

Only half of those living with HIV/AIDS have access to adequate treatment. The poor, especially in developing countries, often lack access to basic health services. “We must achieve universal access to health care, and all people living with HIV/AIDS must be able to receive adequate treatment,” said Sharan Burrow, ITUC GS. “Putting in place effective and universal social protection floors is not only a matter of protecting human lives, it is also the only sustainable way out of the crisis,” She added.

Trade unions support the “Getting to zero” objective (i.e., zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination, zero AIDS-related deaths). The world of work has an essential contribution to make to the global HIV response, should it be on prevention, non-discrimination or access to treatment.
The ITUC will continue playing a leadership role in the response to HIV and AIDS and aligning trade union activities to the reality of the pandemic.

Please read the statement