Nota conceptual de la OIT: Empleo y medios de vida en la agenda para el desarrollo con posterioridad a 2015: medios eficaces para establecer metas y supervisar el progreso

This note follows the publication of a first synthesis note which presented the arguments in favour of the adoption of full employment and decent works as goals of the post-2015 development framework.

The second synthesis note, published in May 2013, reviews options for global goal, national targets and statistical indicators that might be used in tracking progress and informing policy.
The purpose of this note is to provoke discussion on how a possible employment-related development goal might be expressed in terms of targets and indicators of progress at country level.

Several conclusions are made:
• If global policy-makers decide to make progress on creating jobs and improving livelihoods as key goal of the post-2015 development framework, there is widely available data that could be used to construct national targets and indicators.
• There must be adequate scope to choose and adapt targets and indicators according to national circumstances and priorities.
• The improvement of the statistics has to be a priority because of the implications for the accountability, transparency and effectiveness of policy-making.
• The number of global priorities should be limited and easily measurable to ensure focus.
• It’s important to connect global goals, targets and indicators to the national ones because national action remains the primary mechanism to achieve sustainable development.

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