Nicaragua, fourth Country to Ratify Convention 189!

On Wednesday 17 October, the various parties represented in Nicaragua’s National Assembly unanimously approved the bill on Convention 189 concerning decent work for domestic workers, which sets out domestic workers’ rights.

The Convention’s provisions include recognition that domestic workers should enjoy the same basic labour rights as other workers with regard to working hours, daily and weekly rest periods, annual leave, social security and clear employment terms and conditions, etc.

The adoption of Convention 189 is based on the ILO’s commitment to promote decent work, taking on board the fact that domestic workers, women for the most part, represent a significant proportion of the national labour force, especially in developing countries.

We would like to congratulate our colleagues from the Trade Union Women’s Committee of Nicaragua and the national trade union centres for the excellent work done over the past year, now rewarded with the ratification of this crucial international instrument regulating domestic work in the country.