L20 Priorities for the Turkish G20 Presidency

As G20 activities are taking up speed in the lead up to the Labour Ministerial in September and the G20 Leaders Summit in November, the L20 is issuing its “Priorities for the Turkish G20 Presidency” today.

The G20 themes “Inclusion”, “Implementation” and “Investment” as set out by the Turkish Presidency in 2015 would reflect the priorities of the global trade union movement as set out by the L20 if pursued with a sustainable and social dimension. As such “creating jobs and formalising work for young people and women requires urgent investment in infrastructure in the care economy from G20 leaders”, said Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary.

L20 Priority Overview

For a detailed overview on each of the policy areas, please consult the L20 Priority document.

1. G20 Action on comprehensive growth, quality jobs and investment

Creating quality jobs and reducing income inequality must be central to the G20 inclusive growth agenda: “Raising growth, creating jobs and shifting to a more inclusive and sustainable path for development requires a balanced strategy: Fairer wages so as to raise the purchasing power of those on low and middle incomes together with expanded public investment are necessary to kick-start job-rich, inclusive and sustainable growth and boost aggregate demand,” said John Evans, General Secretary of the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC).

2. Responsible Business Conduct and Trade Policies towards Social Upgrading and Workers’ Safety

The G20 needs to show more leadership on responsible business conduct and good working conditions – including safer workplaces – in global supply chains. This year’s G7 agenda already features these topics, which was confirmed at the trade union outreach event held in Berlin on 23 March, on decent work in global supply chains.

3. Development Policies and Financing for more Equal and Prosperous Societies

In this critical year for development policy and financing, trade unions have been active in pushing for the decent work agenda and accountable and responsible financing arrangements – and will continue to do so in the G20 context. For more information, see the ITUC-TUDCN and EURODAD publication on Business Accountability FOR Development and the Trade Union position on Financing for Development (FfD).

4. Promote Long-Term Responsible Investment

The L20 looks at the G20’s role in mobilising institutional investors for long term investment with patient, productive and engaged capital in a responsible way, but also on the G20 infrastructure agenda and the use of public money in “leveraging” private finance with caution: profits and gains should not be privatised, while deficits and losses are socialised, while universal access to public services needs to be maintained.

5. Counter Climate Change and attain Green Growth

The G20 is in a unique position to pave the way towards an ambitious and fair outcome to the multilateral climate negotiations in Paris this year by supporting the rapid disbursement of contributions to the Green Climate Fund and long-term options for responsible investors. This entails a G20 commitment to the development of just transition strategies towards green jobs and, more generally, a discussion on the potential impacts of climate change when planning new investments, infrastructure development and industrial policies. More information on trade union activities in the months leading up to COP 21 can be found here.

6. Step up the Momentum on Taxation and Financial Regulation

The L20 supports the Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) to curb tax avoidance by multinational enterprises (MNEs) and the commitment to automatic exchange of information between tax authorities to curb tax evasion. However, the stakeholder-dimension of tax reporting will be of crucial importance going forward. Meanwhile, progress on G20-agreed financial reforms is far too slow with a low level of ambition in tackling “too-big-to-fail” banks through effective structural measures. The G20 should also adopt a more comprehensive approach on tax and finance. The L20 will continue advocating for these positions starting with the G20 International Tax Symposium.

7. Ensure Policy Coherence and Coordination

The multi-dimensional nature and growing amount of the issues on the G20 agenda call for greater policy coordination to forge agreement on comprehensive growth strategies and the inclusion of non-government voices through trade unions and civil society organisations. To demonstrate its legitimacy and effectiveness, G20 members will need to ensure timely and effective implementation and monitoring of past commitments.

The L20 will particularly focus on the implementation of commitments on job creation, the 25 by 25 gender initiative, infrastructure investments, quality apprenticeships and tax rules (through the BEPS process). For the L20 Tracking results in 2014, go here

As a next step, the L20 will hold meetings with L20 members and other G20 stakeholders around the TUAC Plenary and the OECD Week in Paris (June 1 – 4).

For an overview of upcoming L20 activities, consult the L20 calendar that is being updated on a rolling basis.