John Ruggie

We are all saddened by the death of Professor John Ruggie. His commitment to human rights and business responsibility changed the future.

The UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, with the three pillars of due diligence, grievance and remedy, brought hope to millions that corporate impunity for violations of human and labour rights would be challenged.

John’s six years as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative allowed us all to witness his quiet determination accompanied by a brilliant mind and the quiet but relentless leadership that ensured enormous progress towards realising the dignity of decent work.

The ITUC, the global voice of workers, pays tribute to a great man and recognises the enormous legacy he has left for us all to cultivate.

Our deepest condolences go to John’s family as the world bids farewell to a great humanitarian.

Vale John Ruggie.

Sharan Burrow