April-May: For Democracy that Delivers for Platform Workers
- Global Webinar: Thursday 24 April, For Democracy that Delivers for Platform Workers.
- Policy demand: Support an ILO Convention & Recommendation on platform work at the International Labour Conference (ILC) in June.
- Strategies: Coordinated physical and digital national mobilisations, particularly in countries where governments will play a key role in the ILC standard-setting process. Union allies in these countries with active organising and policy campaigns for platform workers are encouraged to take action.
- Petition: to be announced.
June: For Democracy that Delivers Fair Taxation and Debt Relief
- Policy demands: Put democracy at the heart of the international financial architecture by supporting the trade union submission to the Financing for Development conference in June and July.
- Strategies: Coordinated by the ITUC, global advocacy mobilisation will align with the Financing for Development (FfD) Conference in Seville, Spain.
August-September: For Democracy that Delivers Peace
- Global Webinars:
- Policy demands: To recognise in policy that true security comes from meeting the basic needs of all people by adopting human-centred security and resilience strategies that prioritise economic justice, social protection, and environmental sustainability.
- Strategies: Aligned with the 80th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings in August and the UN General Assembly in September, these global physical and digital mobilisations will be coordinated by the ITUC, in collaboration with affiliates and coalition partners, particularly in countries affected by active armed conflict.
- Petition: to be announced.
September-October: For Democracy that Delivers Social Justice and Prosperity for All
- Global Webinar: 7 October, World Day for Decent Work: For Democracy that Delivers Social Justice and Prosperity for All.
- Policy Demand: To support trade union priorities ahead of the World Social Summit in November.
- Strategies: Global digital activities will be coordinated by the ITUC, with physical national mobilisations recommended particularly in countries where governments will play a key role in the World Social Summit. Affiliates with active collective bargaining and policy campaigns aligned with these objectives are encouraged to take action.
- Petition: to be announced.
November: For Democracy that Delivers a Just Transition
- Global Webinar: to be announced.
- Policy demand: To support trade union demands at COP30.
- Strategies: Global digital mobilisations will be organised in advance of COP30, the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Brazil, to push for commitments on Just Transition policies.