EU development policy in support of inclusive growth and sustainable development - Increasing the impact of EU development policy

The objective of this Green Paper is to launch a debate on how the EU can improve the impact of its development policy, and how it can best support poorest countries’ efforts in promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, including by leveraging new opportunities to speed up progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to reduce poverty. In particular, it asks questions around four main objectives to be pursued collaboratively by the EU and its Member States:

* how to ensure high EU impact development policy, so that every euro spent provides the best value added and value for money, the best leverage and the best legacy of opportunities for generations to come,
* how to facilitate more, and more inclusive, growth in developing countries, as a means of reducing poverty and provide a chance for all to have a decent living and have a perspective for their future. It is increasingly obvious that MDGs will not be achieved without it. Each percentage of growth can significantly improve countries’ capacity to achieve poverty reduction and have a multiplier effect through employment creation and social protection,
* how to promote sustainable development as a driver for progress, and
* how to achieve durable results in the area of agriculture and food security.

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