El Instituto Belleville-CFDT y la CSI-África apoyan investigación sindical en África Occidental

Por Elodie Aïssi - Instituto Belleville-CFDT

La CSI-África y el Instituto Belleville-CFDT comenzaron a realizar los seminarios nacionales de formación previstos en el marco de la segunda fase del proyecto "Apoyar la acción sindical en materia económica y social para convertir en una realidad el trabajo decente en África" a principios de 2017. En esta segunda fase, que durará 3 años, participan 28 organizaciones sindicales afiliadas a la CSI-África de 8 países de habla francesa de África Occidental: Benín, Burkina Faso, Costa de Marfil, Guinea, Malí, Níger, Senegal y Togo. El proyecto tiene como objetivos:

  • Reforzar las capacidades de las organizaciones sindicales de habla francesa de África Occidental en materia de análisis económico y social;
  • Permitir a estas organizaciones sindicales influir en la formulación y la aplicación de políticas económicas y sociales.

As part of the project, Trade Union Analysis and Research Committees (CARES) benefit from capacity building sessions. The CARES, composed of two to four representatives from each national organisation affiliated to ITUC-Africa, serve as important tools for the trade union organisations concerned. Their members take part in the training activities offered and commit to heading research projects linked to the three main themes of this second phase of the project:

  • Extending social protection to informal economy workers
  • Analysis of the state budget
  • The social responsibility of multinational companies and tracking the international framework agreements signed between some of these multinationals and global union federations.

The national CARES are also called on to organise activities, through their trade union organisations, aimed at disseminating the results of their research, and to present the public authorities with concrete proposals to advance workers’ rights (advocacy campaigns, national forums, etc.). Each committee is, in addition, invited to take part in the CARES regional network set up within the framework of the project to help the trade union organisations present joint demands at regional level.

Project implemented with financial support from: