Economy Statements ITUC/TUAC Evaluation of the G20 Cannes Summit, 3-4 November 2011 Sat. 5 November 2011
Economy Statements Global Unions’ Statement to the G20 Summit, Cannes, France, 3-4 November 2011 Tue. 25 October 2011
Economy Statements ITUC/TUAC Evaluation of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Conclusions, Paris, 26-27 September 2011 Wed. 28 September 2011
Economy Statements Global Unions’ Statement to the G20 Employment and Labour Ministers’ Meeting, Paris, 26-27 September 2011 Wed. 21 September 2011
Economy Statements Trade Union Statement to the G20 High Level Experts’ Seminar on Employment Policies, Paris, 7 April 2011 Thu. 7 April 2011
Economy Other Trade Union Priorities for the French 2011 Presidency of the G20/G8 Thu. 27 January 2011