Thursday, 12 March
- 2018 template - SDG country reports
- A Trade Union Take on the SDGs 2019
- Trade Union position to the African Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (tbc)
- Key trends and recommendations of the sixth session of the African Regional Forum on Sustainable Development
Friday, 13 March
- Social dialogue as a driver and governance instrument for sustainable development
- ILO Governing Body: Update on the United Nations reform
- ILO Governing Body’s decision concerning the update on the United Nations reform
- #Timefor8 - The clock is ticking for a New Social Contract
- Time to Act for SDG 8 : Integrating Decent Work, Sustained Growth and Environmental Integrity
- The labour standards of the multilateral development banks: A trade union guide
- Making private sector investments in development programs aligned with the SDGs
Practical information
– When: 12-13 March 2020
– Where: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
– Venue: Jupiter International Hotel, Tito street, Cazanzhise, Kirkos
- Getting to the venue from:
– ✈️ Addis Ababa International Airport.
This event is co-financed by the European Union