A trade union focus on the SDGs - Country profiles for 2024

These reports constitute an independent and worker-centred alternative to the official narrative of governments. They underpin trade union advocacy in favor of development policies that consider workers’ demands for decent work, rights, fair wages, social protection, equality, inclusion, and just transitions.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Tanzania
Despite low levels of transparency in regarding decision-making and reporting on SDG implementation, trade unions report the existence of a structured tripartite platform led by the Ministry of Labour, in which the 2030 Agenda is discussed beyond SDG 8 in the context of social dialogue.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Tanzania 2024

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Uganda
Although an improvement in the implementation of the SDGs in Uganda. The government has increased its efforts to engage in new partnerships and collaborations with various stakeholders. However, trade unions are not consistently included and workers’ perspectives remain absent in SDG processes.

A trade union focus on the SDGs - Uganda 2024