Trade Union Focus on Development
Issue no. 32, December 2012 View it in your browser
Fostering Trade Union Development Education
Having global solidarity at their foundations, trade unions are natural actors of Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR). Trade unions have been actively engaged in DEAR for decades, but in the times of a global economic and environmental crisis, the involvement of workers in development education is more important than ever to build understanding and active participation in global development processes, such as human and trade union rights, Decent Work, inequalities, social justice and social protection. Following a seminar on union development education that took place in November 2012 in Vienna, the TUDCN is publishing two statements on fostering trade union DEAR – within and outside of the trade union movement.
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OECD DAC High Level Meeting outlines priorities for the next year
The OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) recently held its annual High Level Meeting (HLM) on 4-5 December in London. The meeting convened Ministers from DAC member countries and other OECD countries as well as high-ranking officials from different Multilateral Development Banks. The DAC’s immediate priorities, as outlined in the HLM’s communiqué, are the post 2015 work, the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation and the issue of development finance more broadly. Importantly the communiqué identifies, and in some instances agrees, next steps towards fulfilling different commitments under the mentioned priority areas.
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ILO: Jobs and livelihoods at the heart of the post-2015 agenda
The International Labour Organisation calls for goals on full and productive employment and decent work, as well as social protection floors to be included in the new global development framework that will replace the Millennium Development Goals, when they expire in post-2015. The ILO Concept Note on the post-2015 agenda outlines the organisations’ perspective on the new framework.
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News from the network
African Trade Unions Consultation: new perspectives for development cooperation in the continent
ITUC Africa convened this meeting together with the ITUC-TUDCN in Lomé 27-28 November, aiming at deepening the reflection on the next challenges and strategies of trade union development cooperation in the continent. This was linked to the on-going process of creating a global CSOs platform (CPDE) following the Busan High Level Forum, addressing its role and functions.
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SEWA is one of the most successful example of the power of the empowerment of approach to the poverty
PROGETTO SVILUPPO (CGIL) and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair are funding a three year project for the empowerment of rights of women in the state of Gujarat (India). Indian Academy for Self Employed Women (IASEW) or SEWA Academy is the local partner of the project and is a sister organization of SEWA. IASEW was created in response to the capacity-building needs of poor, self-employed women workers of the informal economy.
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Haiti: A film to help promote the Haitian trade union movement
"Ann Kore Moun” is the title of a 36 minutes-long documentary directed by André Vanasse, Quebec filmmaker, who gives voice to leaders of farmers’ organizations, trade unions and the Haitian civil society. Organizations that funded the production of the film include among others the Quebec Federation of Labour (FTQ), FIQ, the Humanity Fund of the United Steelworkers, the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and the Quebec House of Labour (CSQ).
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Gender equality in cooperation projects from the industry federation of the CC.OO.
The two actions that we have been conducting within the Industry Federation as part of the framework of the Convention of Trade Union Cooperation with Latin America concluded with the Serafín Aliaga Peace and Solidarity Foundation of the CC.OO and the Spanish Agency for Cooperation and Development will come to an end this year. Based on international trade union solidarity, the two actions comply with the objective of strengthening, on trade union level, all the parties that we are involved with, analysing the different realities and establishing shared strategic plans of action to meet the challenges posed by globalisation.
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Decent work for decent reconstruction in Haiti
On 12 January 2010 Haiti was hit by a devastating earthquake, worsening the already critical situation in the country. To date, the main international organisations, donors and other stakeholders have failed to keep the commitments made in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, struggling to turn their pledges into concrete and operational results.
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Mauritania: the National Bureau of the CGTM holds an ordinary session
The National Bureau of the Confédération Générale des Travailleurs de Mauritanie (CGTM – general confederation of Mauritanian workers) meet on 22 – 24 November 2012 at the Training and Research Centre for Women in Nouakchott, chaired by the General Secretary Abdallahi Ould Mohamed dit Nahah, who opening the session asked the members present to observe a minute’s silence in memory of two comrades Biry N’Diaye and Mohamed Ould Mechdoufi who had passed away recently.
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European social conference by Democratic Labour Federation of Cyprus (DEOK)
On the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic Labour Federation of Cyprus (DEOK) which coincides with the year of the first EU Council Presidency of Cyprus, 1st July -31st December 2012, the organization held a European Social Conference in Cyprus. The theme of the Social Conference was: “New and Better Jobs: Energy Policy as a Driver for Growth and Better Jobs in the South-Eastern EU Region and the Mediterranean Basin”. The conference, which became a reality due to the cooperation and support of The European Center for Workers Questions (EZA) and the financial support of the European Commission, took place in Nicosia on the 8th and 9th November 2012.
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News from the platforms
Civil Society Leaders and Representatives Launch CPDE!
Civil Society leaders and representatives launched the new CSO Platform Post-Busan, The CSO Partership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE), after the First Global Council Meeting of CPDE in Nairobi, Kenya last 8-9 December 2012. The CPDE will act as the collective successor of BetterAid and Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness, and will unite CSOs from around the world on the issue of development effectiveness, particularly in the context of the Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (BPd) and the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (GPEDC).
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In this Issue

- Fostering Trade Union Development Education
- OECD DAC High Level Meeting outlines priorities for the next year
- ILO: Jobs and livelihoods at the heart of the post-2015 agenda

News from the network
- African Trade Unions Consultation
- SEWA - the power of the empowerment
- Haiti: A film to help promote the Haitian trade union movement
- Gender equality in cooperation projects from the CC.OO.
- Decent work for decent reconstruction in Haiti
- Mauritania: CGTM session
- European social conference by DEOK

News from the network
- Civil Society Leaders and Representatives Launch CPDE!

Climate Change, its consequences on employment and trade union action (updated)
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Least Developed Countries Report 2012

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Contact us!

International Trade Union Confederation, TUDCN
Bvd du Roi Albert II 5, B1
1210 Brussels, Belgium
[email protected]

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About us

The Trade Union Development Cooperation Network (TUDCN) is an initiative of the International Trade Union Confederation that brings together affiliated trade union organisations, solidarity support organisations, regional ITUC organisations and the Global Union Federations.
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This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the ITUC and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
   Copyrights by ITUC, 2012