#Timefor8: the clock is ticking for a New Social Contract         Issue 1 / 2022 -  Sign Up 

Dear {{contact.firstname}},

More than two years on since the outbreak of Covid-19, the world is growing unstable and unsafe.  An increasing number of conflicts, rising global inequality, and a worsening climate emergency are adding to the devastation left by the trail of Covid-19.

Workers, particularly women, are paying the highest price. Hundreds of millions of full-time jobs have been destroyed in the wake of the pandemic, and decent work is becoming increasingly scarce.

In eight weeks, we, the trade unions, will participate in the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), where we will propose workers’ solutions based on the SDGs to redress these difficult times while stabilising the planet.

At the HLPF, we will bring to the discussion the six demands that workers have for a New Social Contract with SDG 8 at its core, rooted in a gender-transformative agenda:  (1) decent, climate-friendly jobs with just transition; (2) rights for all workers; (3) minimum living wages; (4) universal social protection for all; (4) equality to end all discrimination; and (5) inclusion to ensure the empowerment of developing countries.

Therefore, the world must urgently  

✔️return to full employment and create 575 million new climate-friendly and decent jobs by 2030;

✔️make sustainable investments in all industrial sectors and vital care services, with just transition measures to stabilise the planet; and

✔️ensure that governments and employers commit to recovery and resilience plans that actively contribute to these objectives.

Full employment based on decent, climate-friendly jobs with just transition is essential to building forward better, sustainably and with strenghtened resilience!

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  • 5 July Opening of the HLPF and revision of SDG 17
  • 06 July Revision of SDG 4
  • 07 July Revision of SDG 5 and SDG 14
  • 11 July Revision of SDG 15
  • 12 to 15 July Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) sessions
  • 15 July Adoption of the Ministerial Declaration
  • TBC July ITUC side event


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