Equality Vicky SMALLMAN, Director of Women’s and Human Rights, Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) Tue. 7 October 2014
Equality Myrtle WITBOOI, Secretary General of SADSAWU and of the IDWN, South Africa Tue. 7 October 2014
Equality Campaigning for child care in Canada: Interview with Vicky Smallman (CLC Canada) Thu. 5 December 2013
Equality Women going through the revolution in Egypt: Interview with Nawla Darwiche (New Woman Foundation) Thu. 5 December 2013
Equality Gender-based violence at work: Interview with Jane Hodges (ILO Gender Bureau) Thu. 5 December 2013
Equality Count Us In! Campaign: Interview with Diana Holland (TUC UK), Chair ITUC Women’s Committee Thu. 5 December 2013