The DEOK Trade Union implemented a seminar on “Free Movement and migration in the EU: the persistent economic crisis – problems for workers and new challenges for trade unions”

The Seminar took place in Paris/France on the 19th – 20th September 2013 with the participation of Cyprus, France, Portugal, Italy and Romania.
The two days seminar was a unique opportunity for social dialogue and deep consideration about current national situations, experiences, problems and challenges for the trade union movement at national and European level concerning the free movement and migration of EU workers.

Some of the topics discussed: The principle of Free Movement of Workers within EU (Institutional framework trends, opportunities and challenges in different Member States, Southern – Mediterranean Europe Member States in Crisis, EU directives and/or regulations, the impact of the economic crisis in the worker’s mobility, EESC position on free movement of workers, implementation of principle of workers free movement in different countries.

The seminar increased the ability of trade union leaders and activists to analyze, understand and react effectively to these problems and challenges for the benefit of workers and society in general. In particular, knowledge was gathered about the current situation of mobile/migrant workers in other EU Member States. It was a unique opportunity for social dialogue and deep consideration about current national situations, experiences, problems and challenges for the trade union movement at national and European level concerning the free movement and migration of EU workers.

Information provided by DEOK