G20 Saint Petersburg Summit Outcomes

The ITUC-TUAC Secretariat issued a L20 evaluation of the G20 Saint-Petersburg Summit that you can download here. It focuses on the G20 economic policies and future actions on jobs and income inequality, and comments on the Saint-Petersburg Action Plan.

The main items of progress made at the Finance and Labour Ministers meeting in July on quality jobs, collective bargaining, rights at work, and inequality found their way into the Leaders’ Statement, however, not as much into the Action Plan.

The G20 Summit also endorsed the Action Plan on tax evasion by multinationals, which is a rather decisive step together with the agreement on an automatic exchange of information on tax evasion. The evaluation also addresses other main items of this year’s G20 agenda including long-term investment principles, financial reform, global trade and the St. Petersburg Development Outlook. Finally, it also previews L20 engagement for the Australian Presidency of the G20 - starting in December.

The key future issue will be whether words in Declarations are followed up by a change of government policies. The follow up on jobs commitments will be one of the issues on the agenda of the final meeting of the G20 Employment Task Force under the Russian Presidency to be held at the ILO in Geneva on 18 October. The L20 will prepare an analysis of the commitments in the Action Plan and be in touch with affiliates from the G20 countries in order to track the implementation of these commitments.