Belgian trade unions and NGOs campaigning for “social protection for all”

There are five billion people without full social protection. Most of them live in Africa, Asia or Latin America. Any incident in the lives of these people may carry very serious and often insurmountable consequences.

“Social protection for all!” is the call launched by members of the joint Belgian campaign being waged by NGOs such as Solidarité Mondiale, FOS, Solidarité Socialiste and CNCD/11.11.11, the three Belgian trade union centres ACV-CSC, ABVV-FGTB, ACLVB- CGSLB, the mutual funds Mutualité Chrétienne and Mutualité Socialiste, and other partners.

Over the next two years (2015-2016), the Belgian campaign partners will be mobilising to put “social protection for all” on the agenda. Let’s take action!

Social protection: what is it?

Social protection means ensuring that all human beings have sufficient income and access to quality basic services throughout their lives, enabling them to deal with life events and risks: illness, dismissal, a bad harvest, an accident at work, retirement, etc. Social protection comprises a coherent set of solidarity-based initiatives and structural and collective measures, such as:

  • Basic social security provisions: health care, pensions, unemployment, maternity benefits, etc.
  • Social assistance for the poorest members of society
  • Measures enabling personal development: training, micro-credits, safety
  • Social change by organising people in mutual funds and unions, for example.

All governments have an obligation to provide social protection, because social protection is a universal right enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.

Four policy principles underpin our work to put social protection on the agenda:

1. Social protection is a human right: it must be inscribed in the laws of every country.
2. Social protection is financeable: it should be an investment and a choice, even for the poorest countries.
3. Social protection is a public policy: social organisations must be involved in decisions concerning social protection.
4. Social protection transcends national boundaries: Europe and Belgium must strengthen social security within their borders.

Let’s take action together!

The more there are of us, the greater the pressure we can place on politicians to bring about a real change in the situation!

  • Stick a plaster on your cheeks, body, clothes...
  • Take a photo of yourself, alone or in a group
  • If you take a photo at work, make sure you respect the internal rules on such matters
  • Upload the photo to
  • Persuade your family and friends to take action in support of social protection!

More information? See